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David B. Daniel, Ph.D
Translating Psychological Science to
Useable Knowledge for Teaching and Learning
Daniel, D. B., & De Bruyckere, P. (2021). Toward an ecological science of teaching. Canadian
Psychology/Psychologie canadienne, 62(4), 361–366.
Austin,M.R.,Fogler,K.A.J.,& Daniel,D.B.(2021).Seeing Self and Others On-Screen Does Not Negatively
Impact Learning in Virtual Classrooms.Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology.
Advance online publication. Click here to read
Holmes, J. D. & Daniel D. B. (2021) Fads and Facts: Is there Good Evidence to Support Some of Our Most
Popular Beliefs about Teaching and Learning. In H. Scherschel (Ed.) Teaching Tips: A Compendium of
Conference Presentations on Teaching, 2019-2020. (pp. 42-47). Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching
of Psychology website: Click here to read
Willingham, D. T., & Daniel, D. B. (2021). No Clear Winners: Education Researchers Should Focus on Choices for
Teachers. Education Next. 21 (2) 10-15. Click here to read
Coch, D. & Daniel, D. B. (2021). Lost in Translation: Educational Psychologists as Intermediaries between
Neuroscience and Education. Frontiers in Education. 5:618464. Click here to read
Stiegler-Balfour, J. S., Jakobsen, K. V, Stroud, M. J., Daniel, D. B. (2020). APA-style citations can create a
roadblock to textbook comprehension in introductory-level courses. Teaching of Psychology. 47 (2).
Brandmark, A., Byrne, M., O’Brien, K., Hogan, K., Daniel, D. B., & Jakobsen K. V. (2019). Translating for
practice: A case study of recommendations from the wakeful-rest literature.
Teaching of Psychology, 47(1). 92-96. Click here to read
Jacobsen, K. V. & Daniel, D B. (2019). Evidence-based choices for teachers: Team-based learning and
interactive lecture. Teaching of Psychology. 46(4). 284-289. Click here to read
Almarode, J. T. & Daniel, D. B. (2018). Educational neuroscience: Are we there yet? In Hall, G. E.,
Golnick, D. M., and Quinn, L. F., (Eds). Wiley Handbook on Education. New York. Wiley.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2018). How people learn II: Learners, contexts,
and cultures. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Click here to download/read
Utter, B. C., Paulson, S. A., Almarode, J. T. & Daniel, D. B. (2018). My science is better than your science:
Conceptual change as a goal in teaching science majors interested in teaching careers about education.
Teacher Educators' Journal, (11), 12-21. Click here to read
Hulleman, C. S., Kosovich, J. J., Barron, K. E., & Daniel, D. B. (2017). Making Connections: Replicating and
Extending the Utility Value Intervention in the Classroom. Journal of Educational Psychology, 109(3),
387-404. Click her to read
Arnold, K M., Daniel, D.B., Jensen, J., McDaniel, M, Marsh, E.J. (2016). Structure Building Predicts Grades in College
Psychology and Biology. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 30(3). Click here to read
Daniel, D. B. & Richmond, A. (2015). Teaching Child and Adolescent Development. In Dunn, D. (Ed.)
The Oxford Handbook of Undergraduate Psychology Education. Oxford University Press.
Daniel, D.B. & Lutsky, N. (2015). Using Psychological Science to Teach Psychological Science. APS Observer, 28 (9).
Daniel, D. B. (2014). A work in progress. In Bubb, R., Stowell, J., Buskist, W. (Eds.). The Teaching of Psychology in
Autobiography: Perspectives from Psychology’s Exemplary Teachers, Vol.5. Society for the Teaching of
Psychology. Click here to access/read
Woody, W. D., & Daniel, D. B. (2014). Are we there yet? E-textbooks and online learning. In Online Learning:
Instructional Technology, Common Misconceptions and Benefits & Challenges. New York: Nova Publishing.
Francisco, A., Daniel, D.B. (2014). Connecting the Mind, Brain and Education. Digital Promise. Click here to read
Daniel, D. B. & Chew, S. L, (2013). The Tribalism of Teaching and Learning. Teaching of Psychology. 40(4) 363-367 .
Click here to read
Daniel, D. B. (2013). The Dark Side of Pedagogy: An Ecological Perspective on the Study and Use of Pedagogy in the
Classroom. In J. Holmes, S.C. Baker, & J. R. Stowell (Eds.), Essays from e-xcellence in teaching (Vol. 12, pp.6-11).
Daniel, D. B. & Woody, W. D. (2013). E-Textbooks At What Cost? Performance and Use of Electronic v. Print Texts.
Computers & Education, 62, 18-23. Click here to read
Daniel, D. B. (2012). Promising Principles: Translating The Science of Learning to Educational Practice.
Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 1(4), 251-253. Click here to read
Daniel, D. B. (2012, July). The Darkside of Pedagogy. E-Excellence in Teaching. APA Division 2.
Daniel, D. B. & Willingham, D. T. (2012). Electronic Textbooks: Why the Rush? Science, 333 (6076) 1569-1571.
Click here to read
Gurung, R. A. R., Daniel, D. B. & Landrum, E. (2012). A Multi-Site Study of Learning in Introductory Psychology
Courses. Teaching of Psychology. 39(3), 170-175.
Willingham, W. & Daniel, D. B. (2012). Beyond Differentiation: Teaching to What Learners Have in Common.
Educational Leadership. 69(5), 16-21. Click here to read
Daniel, D. B. (2011). Learning centered lecturing in the college classroom. In Buskist, W. & Benassi, V. A. (Eds).
Successful Strategies for Preparing Graduate Students to Become Effective College and University Teachers.
Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage.
Daniel, D. B. (2011). Applying Gibson’s Concept of Affordances to the Study and Use of Pedagogy in the
Classroom: An Ecological Approach. Developments: Newsletter of the Society for Research in Child
Development, 43(4). Click here to read
Miller, R. L., Balcetis. E., Burns, S. R., Daniel, D. B., Saville, B. K., Woody, W. D. (2011). Promoting student
engagement (Vol. 2): Activities exercises and demonstrations for psychology courses. E-book:
Woody, W. D., Daniel, D. B., & Baker, C. (2010). E-books or textbooks: Students prefer textbooks.
Computers & Education, 55, 945–948. Click here to read
Daniel, D. B. & Woody, W. D. (2010). They listen, but do not hear: Retention for podcasted material in a
classroom context. Teaching of Psychology, 37(3) 199 – 203. Click here to read
Daniel, D. B. (2010). Practical powerpoint. In Dunn, D. S, Wilson, J. C., Freeman, J. & Stowell, J.,
Getting Connected: Best Practices for Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.
Oxford University Press.
Worrell, F. C., Casad, B. J., Daniel, D. B., McDaniel, M,. Messer, W. S., Miller, H. L., Prohaska, V., &
Zlokovich, M. S. (2009). Promising principles for translating psychological science into teaching and
learning. In D.F. Halpern (Ed.), Undergraduate Education in Psychology: A Blueprint for the Future of the
Discipline. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Daniel, D. B. & Poole, D. A. (2009). The ecology of pedagogy: How collaborative research can prevent us
from harming students. Perspectives on Psychological Science. 4(1), 91-96. Click here to read
Fischer, K. W. & Daniel, D. B. (2009). Need for Infrastructure to Connect Research with Practice in Education.
Mind, Brain and Education. Vol. 3(1), 1-2. Click here to read
Fischer, K. W., Daniel, D. B., Immordino-Yang, M. H., Stern, E., Battro, A., & Koizumi, H. (2007). Why mind, brain, and
education? Why now? Mind, Brain, and Education. 1(1), 1-2. Click here to read
Daniel, D. B. (2005). How to ruin perfectly good lecture. In B. Perlman, L. McCann, & B. Buskist (Eds.),
Voices of NITOP: Favorite talks from the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology. American
Psychological Society.
Daniel, D. B. (September, 2005). Evil technology: Nature or nurture. In B. K. Saville & T. E. Zinn (Eds.), E-Excellence in
Teaching. APA Division 2.
Daniel, D. B., & Broida, J. P. (2004). Using web-based quizzing to improve exam performance:
Lessons learned. Teaching of Psychology, 31, 207-208.